Promote events for world-famous
sales trainer/seminar leader/speaker
No investment! Sweat equity only!
Powerful Profit Sharing Program!
(800) 248-3555 - WWW.BFG3.COM

Join Our Exclusive Two-Tiered Affiliate Program!

As long as you have e-mail or a website, you can begin making money immediately by earning an aggressive 15% in initial referral fees, and then an additional 7% on those contacts’ referrals – that’s an ever-widening pool of peers, friends and family members that pay you for life (or as long as you choose to remain subscribed).

What do we offer that makes you more money? A rare, two-tiered opportunity that simultaneously earns you 15% on initial referrals and 7% on those contacts' referrals. We provide marketing text to help you alert everyone in your list about special products and offers. We provide an Affiliate website with optional banners and sales text on various products you might like to feature. We pay you at the beginning of every month. We provide online Administration & Tracking so that you can check your income at any time!

Participation is easy and free!

  1. Complete the short Affiliate application by clicking on the link
  2. below.
    After completing the application, you will receive your Affiliate code in your email in-box. Simply add the code to your webpage and/or your e-mail outgoing signature with the directions we provide. (Remember, we also send you ready-made ads that have already imbedded your affiliate code – you just copy and paste the ad into a new window and send!)
  3. Visitors click from your site or email marketing text to and purchase items.
  4. You make 15% on directly connected referrals (people you sent to directly), then receive 7% on people they’ve sent to

Click here to sign up

“Everything we offer comes with our world-famous

The Closers

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Find out more here!

The Closers

Ben Gay III's
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information is available
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The Closers

Spend an Exciting Day
with World Famous
Salesman, Sales Trainer,
Author, Consultant,
Speaker ... Ben Gay III.

If you have questions or
problems installing this feature,
please email our support experts
at [email protected] for assistance.

The Closers